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Politics A Level


TITLE: AQA Level 3 Advanced GCE in Politics (603/1403/5)


The study of Politics will help you to understand who holds power within our society and how decisions are made which impact on you and your friends and family. How much tax should rich people pay? Should all drugs be illegal? How much should the internet and your emails be regulated and watched by the police? Government and Politics is an interesting area of study in its own right, involving the analysis of ideas and the motives of individuals. It is also a subject of practical value. It will help you, as a citizen, to participate in the political process. For a democracy to remain healthy its citizens must know how to play a part and get involved.

The content of the course will focus on the politics of Britain, including political parties, pressure groups and protest movements, the media and the government system. Students will also investigate the main political ideas and thinkers that have influenced and built our democracy – form Karl Marx’s socialism to John Stuart Mill’s liberal belief in Freedom. In Year 13 students will investigate democracy in America, comparing their presidential system of government with the UK.

To get the most out of the course you will need to follow current events through the newspapers, reliable internet news providers, radio and television. You will be encouraged to express your own ideas and a wide variety of opinions will be welcomed. The course will help you to become more confident and articulate when arguing your case, both in writing and discussion.


Paper 1

What's assessed

Government and politics of the UK

How it's assessed

  • Written exam: 2 hours
  • 77 marks
  • 33⅓ % of A-level


A mixture of medium length ‘explain’ and essay style questions.

Paper 2

What's assessed

  • The government and politics of the USA
  • Comparative politics

How it's assessed

  • Written exam: 2 hours
  • 77 marks
  • 33⅓ % of A-level


A mixture of medium length ‘explain’ and essay style questions.

Paper 3

What's assessed

Political ideas

How it's assessed

  • Written exam: 2 hours
  • 77 marks
  • 33⅓ % of A-level


A mixture of medium length ‘explain’ and essay style questions.


A Level Government and Politics helps to develop important transferable skills such as the ability to participate in informed discussion, delivery of presentations, written communication, critical appreciation of arguments, analysis of ideas, interpretation of evidence and teamwork. It serves as a valuable preparation for a wide range of careers in areas such as journalism, broadcasting, local government, business management, public relations, publishing, voluntary organisations, law, the European Union, the civil service, political parties and education. Many students choose to continue with political or related studies in higher education.

Former students have gone on to study at a variety of universities throughout the country.