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Options Process

All of the information you need in order to decide on your Key Stage 4 options can be found under this section of the school website under KS4 Options and KS4 Subjects.

The links to the right provide an introduction to the Options process, help with making subject choices and further information.

Under each subject area, there is information about each of the courses offered at Key Stage 4, as well as a link to the exam board specification.

From time to time specifications change and some links may become out of date. Please let us know if you notice a link is no longer working.

You need to think carefully about your subject choices. You must be absolutely certain about the nature of the subjects you intend to take and the expectations that will be placed on you before you begin Key Stage 4. You should find out about each subject and talk to the staff who teach you before making any course decisions.

Dates for the year:



Nov - March

The Changing World of Work (Careers Adviser - 1 session per group) in Resources.


Autumn Data released via Bromcom


Tutor mentoring with a specific focus on options


Students follow the PSHE programme that supports the options process


Year 9 Options Evening for Parents


Year 9 Options Morning


Year 9 Parents’ Evening


Earliest date for submission of option form


Deadline for submission of option form


KS3 Celebration Evening.