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Y10 and Y11 Course Choice

In Years 10 and 11, all students will take the following non-examination subjects:

Physical Education

1 Hour

Personal, Social and
Health Education (PSHE)

1 Hour

 ALL students will also take the following compulsory GCSE subjects:


4 Hours


4 Hours

Combined Science* 

5 Hours

Religious Education

1 Hour

*If students opt for Triple Science (Biology, Chemistry and Physics), then they will study for this through their Combined Science lessons, as well as their Triple Science lessons. Students will then achieve 3 science GCSE grades, one for each of the 3 individual sciences. 

Students then study 3 optional subjects:



Art and Design


Business: Enterprise
and Marketing


Business Studies


Computer Science

IT: Creative iMedia

Drama and
Theatre Studies


DT: Electronics*


DT: Product Design*

Physical Education GCSE

DT: Textiles*

Sports Studies

Food and Nutrition



Triple Science

* The 3 subjects marked DT have a common core element so students may only opt for one of these DT subjects.

Information for Parents is on the KS4 Options section of the school website.  It summarises general information about the reformed GCSEs and the options process. Students will also have an Options Morning in February where they will attend information sessions about the options subjects.

Students who have had Literacy Support in Key Stage 3 and who may benefit from additional support in their learning in Key Stage 4 may be offered Study Support, supervised by the Learning Support Department, in place of one of their option subjects.  Parents of those students will be contacted by the school.

Allocations to subjects will only be made after the deadline for the return of the options forms. This deadline is set to allow students and parents the time to look at the information on the website, the progress data on Bromcom, discuss option choices and meet with subject teachers at the Year 9 Parents’ Evening in February. Students are, therefore, encouraged to think carefully about their subject choices rather than rush to complete their form.

We will make every effort to enable each student to take the subjects they choose, but it must be appreciated that there will be a few individual cases where the preferred combinations will not be possible. In addition, where courses are oversubscribed, some students may be allocated their reserve option choice.

In the Spring term, all Year 9 tutor groups will follow a carefully planned PSHE course where they consider the whole process of choosing subjects. Students will also be introduced to the range of information available in the careers library and on the careers computers. They will also have an Options Morning where they can visit 5 different subject areas.

To help students and parents, the school website contains details of all the examination subjects at KS4. These can be found on the KS4 Subject pages under the student section of the website.